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Au voleur ! Fun with clothing vocabulary

By 4:39 PM , , , , , , , , , , ,

Because I like spending completely unnecessary amounts of time on crafty projects rather than doing actual work, I cranked out these mini paper clothes during my prep time:

These little guys were a big hit with my second and third graders (my favorite quote of the day: "hey! I have that sweater!"). We played a spin off of one of my favorite game formulas:

1. Lay out a bunch of objects, naming them as you display one by one and asking the children to repeat after you.
2. Ask them to "fermez les yeux s'il vous plaît".
3. Choose one student to remove an item.
4. Ask them to "ouvrez les yeux".
5. Call on students to guess the missing item (in French of course!).

It seems simple but for whatever reason the children are consistently super motivated with this game and I almost always see all hands raised––although many of them think they can get away with giving the answer in English! If you're in a pinch for time it can also work well with straight up pictures of the target vocabulary.

It helped that I found some mini clothespins sitting around in my apartment, begging to be used for this project. Thus was born "Au Voleur !!", the clothesline game. The premise: while you all were sleeping, a thief in the night snatched an item of clothing hanging out to dry. Bonus points for the student who can guess the thief.

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  1. What a cute idea! I also love making paper crafts more than actual work! I'm a student teacher looking for ideas for the fall. I wonder if I could interest high schoolers with this! Probably not, but I might give it a try anyway. www.frenchcapades.com
